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Ascent Classical Academy considers it our special mission to develop the mind and spirit of our students, and take great ownership in our school traditions. Over the years we have taken many ideas from our sister schools and built them into the fabric of each school year. School-wide participation in our traditions helps every student to find his or her place in our community. Below are some of our favorite traditions:

Opening Ceremonies 
Students of all grades gather daily to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and school pledge together. Students will also receive encouraging words from our headmaster and assistant headmasters and awards will be awarded.

Constitution Day
Every September 17th, we celebrate Constitution day. The students are encouraged to memorize the constitution in exchange for a hot dog at lunch grilled by our Headmaster and Assistant Headmasters. In all history classes, special attention is given to the study of the constitution on this day.

Curriculum Day
We christened these days “Wonder Days” as they focus on our core virtue of wonder. The last day of October is Ancient Wonder Day, focusing on the study of the ancient world and correlating it with the student’s studies at that time. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in costume inspired by their grade level’s history/literature lessons during the first semester. The last day of April is American Wonder Day, focusing on the study of American history and correlating it with the student’s studies at that time. This day is packed with activities and lessons circulating our nation and its history.

Wonder Days
During the last week of school, students compete in mental and physical competitions between classes on the same grade level for the grammar school and between houses for the upper school.