Why Classical Education?
Ascent’s dedication to Wonder is one of our distinct characteristics.
We aim to preserve a love of learning that will last a lifetime. We all know the joy a child experiences when acquiring a new skill or learning a new song. We see in them what we know is true: learning is delightful! Being filled with wonder at the beautiful world we live in is exhilarating.
Low Technology
Why Latin
Core Virtues
The Classical Approach to Education
Our teachings are based on the curricula, materials, methods, and aims that have traditionally been used to educate generations of young men and women who have helped build our nation and preserve Western civilization. The following are some of our hallmarks:
- Teaching objective standards of truth, beauty, and virtue
- Integrating the study of literature, history, science, math, music, art, and logic
- Cultivating moral character and civic virtue
- Relying on traditional methods, like teacher-led classrooms and great books
- Engaging a rigorous, content-rich curriculum
- Prizing a well-ordered mind and heart, from good manners to a well-adorned campus
- Seeking to tap students’ sense of wonder and pursuit of wisdom
- Holding that the purpose of education is to enable human happiness
All applications received from November 1, 2024 to January 30, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. will be entered in the 2025/26 lottery.
The lottery will take place on Monday, February 3, 2025. Families who applied during the November through January lottery window will receive either an offer email or an email notifying them of their student’s position on the waitlist.
Applications received after February 3, 2025 will be placed on the waitlist in the order the application was received. We will continue to send offers to waitlisted students as seats become available. We send offers through September.
Learn More
We encourage prospective families to attend a school tour or information session to learn more about Ascent Classical Academy’s classical education model, curriculum, and school culture.
Note: Families interested in the homeschool enrichment program should attend a tour and information session specific to that program. Please visit the Homeschool Enrichment page for more information.

Discover the Difference:
Enroll in a Classical Education
At Ascent, we ignite a lifelong love of learning through a classical education rooted in wonder and virtue. Guided by dedicated teachers, your child will explore what is true, good, and beautiful. Apply now to begin their journey.